The Future Project, Interpretation Guide, Free Test, young people
The Future Project, Interpretation Guide, Behaviour styles

Think – Act – Collaborate - Communicate

There are 4 separate behaviour clusters.  Each of these clusters correspond to a specific category of activities and behaviour that can be distinguished within a professional role and context.

For each of the 4 behavioural clusters, the characteristic functioning style is described by means of a behavioural type.

The 4 possible behavioural types, which are distinguished within every behavioural cluster, each describe a well-defined functioning style corresponding to the behaviour preferences and characteristics of the participant.

The dominant behavioural cluster and type are described in the report, also a matching percentage – for each behavioural type – indicates the level of correspondence between the profile of the participant and the described behavioural type.


Want to know YOUR personality type?

16 personality types

1 dominant Cluster

How to interpret YOUR RESULTS?



Interpretation Guide, Think, Behavioural cluster

The way things are investigated and decisions are made.

4 Behavioural types:

  • Analyst: thorough analysis and preparation of decisions

  • Pragmatist: hands-on and action-oriented approach to problems

  • Impulsive: acting intuitively and reacting spontaneously

  • Passive: correct execution in accordance with guidelines

A matching percentage indicates the level of correspondence between the profile of the participant and the described behavioural type.


The way activities are handled and tasks are executed

4 Behavioural types:

  • Conscientious: committed and perseverant in execution

  • Entrepreneurial: flexible and dynamic in acting

  • Executing: executes methodically in accordance to guidelines

  • Result driven: goal oriented and perseverant in acting

A matching percentage indicates the level of correspondence between the profile of the participant and the described behavioural type.

Interpretation Guide, Act, Behavioural cluster


Interpretation Guide, Collaborate, Behavioural cluster

Focus on the team and attitude in collaboration.

4 Behavioural types:

  • Motivator: actively engaged and participative leading

  • Compliant: modest and awaiting

  • Directive: actively involved and business-like managing

  • Cooperative: engaged and focused on alignment

A matching percentage indicates the level of correspondence between the profile of the participant and the described behavioural type.


Attitude and approach of interaction with others.

4 Behavioural types:

  • Extrovert: communicative and self-assured

  • Dependent: communicative and trusting

  • Detached: critical and diplomatic

  • Introvert: reserved and awaiting

A matching percentage indicates the level of correspondence between the profile of the participant and the described behavioural type.

Interpretation Guide, Communicate, Behavioural cluster